I am a husband, a father, and an entrepreneur. For you, I am here to capture a unique and forever memorable experience for you and your guests. With our professional state of the art video booth and custom video equipment we will provide an unforgettable keepsake from your special day.

our vision

We launched our forevercottman360 video booth experience with ambition, excited to join the new generation of photo booth technologies. Our vision is clear - we want to provide our clients with an elevated experience and high-quality product at an economic cost.

why we started

Chrissy and I were about to celebrate our second anniversary when she surprised me with the news, “You are going to be a daddy!” I was so happy and proud. “Are you nervous, scared?” she asked. The truth is, I was comfortable because my employer paid well enough that my wife didn’t have to work, and we had terrific benefits. Financially speaking, we had an ideal situation. At that time, I truly believed I was a good husband and (soon-to-be) father because I was paying all the bills.

Unexpectedly, my employer laid me off a few months before I could go on paternity leave. What followed was one of the most challenging conversations I have ever had in my life. “Babe, uhh, there is no easy way for me to say this.” Worried, she replied, “What is it? What’s wrong?” I told her I was unemployed and explained what that meant for our immediate future, financial and health benefits. I cannot describe the pain of seeing my wife cry at that moment, and I felt nervous and scared for the first time.

My wife and I managed to keep our faith and trust in God. Doing so gave me time for self-exploration and to listen to what God wanted me to learn from this experience. My amazing wife was incredibly supportive as God worked on my mindset, removed my pride, and rebuilt me. During this season of my life, I realized that relying solely on what I thought was a “stable” career to provide for my family was no longer ideal.

a forever-memorable experience

Creating a business with my wife and working alongside my family has been the most incredible adventure. God’s providence is the only way I can begin to process how we have managed through many adversities.

I am a better man, husband, and father than I would have been. I was present to see how priceless and precious the early bonding moments were with my daughter. My wife and I established new levels of trust, commitment, and appreciation for each other while walking toward an unknown future. We combined our creative gifts and corporate experience to launch Forever Cottman Films through prayer and stewardship. Since then, we‘ve had the privilege of creating high-quality media and memorable experiences for our clients. We have learned many valuable lessons in the last couple of years, and we infuse that growth and wisdom into every opportunity.